
Reading is the very fabric of my existence, and I can often be found with a Kindle in hand (and a cup of coffee or a slice of cake in the other).

I have had the grand tour of most things in the writing world: from book editing to blogging, I have experienced it all (including writing some pretty embarrassing poetry back in my 20s).

Reading books and writing reviews is my favourite occupation, and it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Introverted Bookworm. This is a place where you can read enlightening reviews, which may help you decide what your next cherished book is, because – let’s face it – the world can be a difficult place, but it’s infinitely easier to tolerate with a good book to look forward to.

If you are a writer and you want to get in touch, feel free to send me an email, but remember that I’m an introvert (so don’t bother me unless you really have to).

Let’s connect